Introducing Tom Hitchcock?

When you know you are different,
you have something to offer the world!

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Origins of a self starter

I was born in Essex, England. I was brought up by a single parent, and to say we had very little money would be a massive understatement. In fact, we were so poor that for much of my early years we had to use a bucket for a toilet. (No Monty Python jokes, please.)

One of my earliest memories was being traumatised by Postman Pat. I could never understand how he could be so happy going around and around in circles in his van, achieving nothing.

Going through school I was never part of a clique; I refused to join them and had my own friends. During this time, I held down multiple part-time jobs to keep money coming into the house.

It’s fair to say that I learned many life lessons at a young and impressionable age. This made me determined to make something of myself, by myself. I understood then – and now – this is what I can control.

The eternal optimist

As a young man, this is how I lived: I was the eternal optimist. I could see the good in everyone and I bounced from adventure to adventure. While I would never change this, if I could speak to that young man now, I would warn him of people taking advantage of his good nature.

I was never academic but went to university for the experience. I lasted the course and graduated in Sociology, Psychology and Health in Bath – one of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever lived in. While I was there, I ran weekly nightclub events and was certainly a socialite.

Football is a big part of my life, and it’s taught me loyalty, joy and disappointment.  West Ham United is in my blood and no matter how they perform on the weekend, I’ll never change my allegiance.

I’ve lived in 11 countries and had many adventures (I’m more of a travel to live rather than visit the resort and play tourist).

This flavour for adventure also comes in the shape of personal challenges. In 2008, I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania for charity with the then West Ham ‘keeper, Rob Green. I ran the London Marathon, for charity, and have had a number of boxing bouts, also for charity. It appeals to me to maximise the good out of every situation. 


Probably my most successful period of this time was when I owned five Call Centres and a Nightclub. I am proud of this as it was built on a shoestring, and entirely organically. They were some of the best years of my life so far.

To my mind, there are three ways to learn:

  1. Being broke
  2. Being heartbroken
  3. Being hungry

The non-woke humoured realist

Well, here I am!

I have stories that people don’t believe; experiences that could make a decent movie; peaks and troughs that would make a white-knuckle ride. The trade-off has been self-learning to the extreme – with many lessons.

From the moment I wake to the time I sleep; I get my kicks out of helping people. My hindsight and nature have created this routine. The world I leave behind will be my legacy. My legacy is what I binge think about. My philosophy is “know yourself well enough to never live an act”. To me, this is the best version of yourself you can give to others.

On that note, I qualify for dad jokes (yes, I am a dad).

By definition, I laugh first, usually as the victims start rolling their eyes. If you would like to “laugh” at my dad Jokes, simply add your email below and this high-quality humour will come your way.

Thank me later.

Lets talk

Let’s talk

You can engage my professional services through any of the ways listed below.

My passion for people will ensure that every interaction is bespoke to you and designed for the best possible outcomes. I take a unique, holistic approach to both business and personal development, so if you’re motivated to make your goals a reality, let’s talk.

Why We Need To Embrace Mistakes | TEDx Talks

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